J. Whichello - International Atomic Energy Agency
K.J. Gartner - International Atomic Energy Agency
The Division of Development has been following the technological development towards digital imaging, processing, storage and transmission of image data on the commercial market for several years. With the recent availability of affordable digital image technology, the IAEA has now embarked on development activities of Digital Image Surveillance (DIS) systems and a DIS development plan has been established. Besides the basic work required the plan identifies the need for two separate development branches, namely the onechannel DIS and the distributed DIS. Under the basic work, recommendations on standards to be adopted have already been determined. To cover the requirements defined in the first branch, the Agency joined the European Safeguards Directorate in December 1993 in their activities to develop a onechannel DIS system called Gemini. In the second area of work, several modules will need to be developed utilizing state-of-the-art technology. One task in this area was already established to develop an authenticated and encrypted camera system as one of the DIS modules. This paper describes the presently planned move towards DIS for IAEA safeguards, its advantageous applications under present as well as recommended future approaches, its requirements.