Development of a Self-navigating Mobile Interior Robot Application as a Security Guard/Sentry

J.J. Harrington - Sandia National Laboratories
Paul R. Klarer - Sandia National Laboratories
This paper describes a mobile robot system designed to function as part of an overall security system at a high security facility. The features of this robot system include specialized software and sensors for navigation without the need for external locator beacons or signposts, sensors for remote imaging and intruder detection, and the ability to communicate information either directly to the electronic portion of the security system or to a manned central control center. Other desirable features of the robot system include low weight, compact size, and low power consumption. The robot system can be operated either by remote manual control, or it can operate autonomously where direct human control can be limited to the global command level. The robotcan act as a mobile remote sensing platform for alarm assessment or roving patrol, as a point sensor (sentry) in routine security applications, or as an exploratory device in situations potentially hazardous to humans. This robot system may also be used to \"walk-test\" intrusion detection sensors as part of a routine test and maintenance program for an interior intrusion detection system. The hardware, software, and operation of this robot system will be briefly described herein.