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The oxygen stable isotope composition of uranium oxides is emerging as a potentially powerful
forensic tracer of nuclear fuel cycle materials. Stable isotope analytical techniques rely on the use of
matrix-matched materials with well constrained and community established stable isotope
compositions to calibrate analyses of samples. However, there are not any currently available
standardized reference materials for the oxygen stable isotopic composition of uranium oxides. We
collected the results of oxygen stable isotope analyses of CRM 125-A UO2 Standard Reference
Material from four laboratories by seven different methods. Synthesis of these data allows us to
arrive at a consensus oxygen stable isotope composition for CRM 125-A δ18O = -9.63‰ (± 0.29‰)
VSMOW. Contrasting analytical approaches allow us to evaluate methodological differences in
fluorination agents (BrF5 and ClF3), heating techniques (furnace and laser heating), and calibration
strategies. We propose ways forward in the use of oxygen stable isotope compositions of nuclear
materials as forensic tools.