Design Features to Facilitate IAEA Safeguards at Light water Reactors

L. A. Goldman - Science Applications International Corporation
J.M. Swartz - Science Applications, Inc.
T. Pasternak - Science Applications International Corporation
J. Clancy - Science Applications, Inc.
Several studies have been performed recently to identify and analyze light water reactor (LWR) features that, if incorporated into the facility design, would facilitate the implementation of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. This paper presents results and conclusions of these studies. A systematic approach for taking into account IAEA safeguards during the design of light water reactors was developed. The approach is demonstrated by applying it to representative light water reactor facilities, fueled with either LEU or MOX. A number of generic features that would facilitate IAEA safeguards are identified, described, and evaluated for their contribution to safeguards effectiveness, inspection efficiency, cost and operations impacts. These studies were supported by the Internation Safeguards Project Office (ISPO) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC).