Richard W. Brown - U.S. Department of Energy
With the escalation of terrorism in the 1970\"s, the emphasis of the DOE's safeguards and security improvements has been on preventative physical protection measures against outside adversaries. We have now progressed to a point where we are focusing on a revision of the graded safeguards approach and enhancing Material Control and Account- ability. The key points addressed are the functions and responsibilities of organiza- tional units in DOE Headquarters and at the field level, and significant features of the policy and procedures guides. Twenty-five DOE safeguards and security orders have undergone major revision. The primary goals are to: (1) ensure the completeness of a management structure (assignment of responsibilities); (2) provide greater flexibility for field office achievement of desired performance objectives and to begin reduction of Headquarters prescriptive measures; (3) delineate a graded approach which takes into account the relative attractiveness of the different material forms and compositions, so that less rigorous requirements can be applied to material of lower potential attractiveness to adversaries; and (4) provide guidance and analytical tools to establish cost-effective systems. Significant aspects of the revised orders will be discussed in detail during the panel session. The panel discussions will be chaired by Richard W. Brown, Director of the Office of Safeguards and Security. Each of the topical areas will be represented by its subtask group chairman who, with his committee, had responsi- bility for revising and developing the DOE orders under their aegis. Included in the panel discussions will be Physical Protection, Material Control and Accountability, Surveys, Personnel Security, and Master Safeguards and Security Agreements. Written questions to the panel will be elicited, as will be questions from the floor.