The NMCC, established in 1972 as a private foundation, plays an important role in Japan as the principal organization providing technical supports to the Government in the field of nuclear safeguards. Current activities of the NMCC are focused on (1) Centralized treatment and computer processing of all safeguardsrelated data in Japan on behalf of the government, which include accountancy data of all nuclear materials subject to the Japan-IAEA Safeguards Agreement and bilateral agreements, design information and facility attachment, and national inspection data, (2) Chemical analysis of samples taken by Government inspectors and maintenance of inspection equipments, including field technical support of the non-destructive measurements, (3) Studies on safeguards systems for nuclear facilities, physical protection systems and evaluation system of nuclear fuel cycle in Japan, (4) Technical development of automated analytical systems for input and product samples of reprocessing plant, and (5) Public relations, training and cooperation in the areas of safeguards and physical protection. Items (2) and (4) are carried out at the Safeguards Analytical Laboratory (SAL) in Tokai-mura and other items are at the Main Office and the lidabashi Branch Office both in Tokyo.