Lawrence A. Crain - ITT Defense Communications Division
Chester A. Jurgonski - ITT Defense Communications Division
Current crisis management facilities suffer from significant deficiencies in supporting effective response to the complexities of today's crises. A prototype \"Emergency Action System\" (EAS) was developed to explore better ways to support the crisis manager. Efforts focused on creating an easy-to-use, modular, future-safe system which would provide coherent, integrated access to supporting services. EAS includes an integrated status display, one-touch access to voice and data communications circuits and control functions, physical security support with the integration of sensor and surveillance displays and actuator control, and automatic event logging. The design also allows automatic selection and execution a response plan \"CHECKLIST1, and includes tools for developing and maintaining these CHECKLISTS. Finally, an on-line HELP/training database, and an automated field maintenance manual are provided. The system architecture is based on commercial \"off-the-shelf\" hardware and system/utility software. This reduces development and logistics costs, and allows the system to evolve to take advantage of new technology.