Communicating what INMM does: The INMM Communicator's Challenges and Successes

Susan Pepper - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Katherine Bachner - Brookhaven National Laboratory
James J. Disser - Idaho National Laboratory
Zoe Gastelum - Sandia National Laboratories
The INMM Communicator is the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management's (INMM) official newsletter and one of several ways information is shared in the INMM. The Communicator is meant to: (1) inform the membership about items of interest and events that are relevant to them; (2) engage the chapters and committees by providing a vehicle to share information and accomplishments with the broader membership; and (3) publicize information that may help to recruit non-members. This paper will explore the challenges of communicating within a volunteer driven, international organization. This paper will discuss ways in which engineers, scientists, and policy professionals in the nuclear materials management field can communicate effectively with people outside their field.