Characterization Of Radionuclide Content, Neutron Energy Spectrum And Emission Rate Of Two Am-Li Sources

Andrey V. Mozhayev - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Michael E. Moore - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Emily K. Mace - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Two legacy AmLi sources, MRC-101 and MRC-103, have been routinely used for the neutron detector characterization and testing that Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) manages for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). However, applicability of source measurement data has been substantially limited due to the lack of original manufacturer documentation and cross comparison to other sources. This presentation summarizes results of the source characterization study launched to better quantify source radionuclide content, neutron energy spectrum, emission rate and anisotropy. The source characterization study consisted of three major consecutive measurement exercises. First, gamma spectrometry measurements with high purity germanium detector were used to estimate the radionuclide content and potential impurities of the AmLi sources. Then neutron spectral measurements were taken to determine the unique neutron energy distribution. Finally, assessments of the total neutron emissions for the sources were made with measurements in a neutron well counter. The neutron detection efficiency for these measurements was determined via detailed Monte Carlo modeling based on the neutron energy distribution measured with the rotating neutron spectrometer (ROSPEC). The most exciting and unexpected finding of the study was a substantial contamination of the source material with beryllium, contributing up to 17% to the total neutron emission rate and correspondingly changing the neutron energy spectrum. This study was conducted as a part of the work performed under contract DTRA10027-30020. The abstract (PNNL-SA-151421) was cleared for public release and its distribution is unlimited.