Case study Application of the IAEA safeguards Assessment Methodology to a Mixed oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility

T.L. McDaniel - Science Applications Interntional Corp.
J.M. Swartz - Science Applications, Inc.
Science Applications, Inc. has prepared a case study illustrating the application of an assessment methodology to an international system for safeguarding mixed oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication facilities. This study is the second in a series of case studies which support an effort by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and an international Consultant Group to develop a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of IAEA safeguards. Evaluating the safeguards system's ability to detect diversion and the efficient allocation of inspection resources are the complementary objectives of the methodology. The method is carried out in three phases: (1) Design Assessment, (2) Implementation Assessment and (3) Performance Evaluation. The major safeguards concern at a MOX facility is the diversion of plutonium. U-235 annual throughput at the model facility in the study was judged to be not significant enough to warrant consideration.