Capabilities and Objectves of the Use of NDA, DA AND C/S Measures in Safeguards: ESARDA Point of View

M. Cuypers - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
S. Finzi - Ispra Establishment
ESARDA has established over the years seven working groups in the field of safeguards techniques and their application to parts of the nuclear fuel cycle. The working groups have worked out common programmes and published their results in different symposia. Recently the EURATOM Safeguards Directorate and European Plant Operators suggested that ESARDA should pay more attention to the systematic evaluation of the capabilities and objectives of different safeguard measures presently used. In May 1986 at Copenhagen, the ESARDA working groups met to address this thema and to analyse the different methodologies applied for the establishment of performances of safeguards techniques, the results obtained and finally the use which has been made of these results by Safeguards Authorities, Plant Operators and Specialized Laboratories. The paper will present a summary of the conclusions of this general 1986 ESARDA meeting.