A Behavior of O/M ratio and its effect for Material Accounting in High Plutonium Concentration MOX Fabrication Process

T. Ohtani - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
Toru Suzuki - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Meiji Kuba - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
T. Yamaguchi - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
M. Deguchi - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
An evaluation test to investigate the behavior of the Oxygen to Metal ratio (hereinafter refer to O/M ratio) ckifl and its effect to material accounting in high plutonium concentration MOX fuel fabrication process was carried out in opemtional MOX fid fabrication process of FBR line, Plutonium Fuel Procbction Facility (hereinafter ~fer to PFPF), Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC). Because of the oxidation of uranium by the decay heat from plutonium in MOX, the O/M ratio may ckift in powckr W.atment processes, and this may afkct plutonium concentration of MOX, which is iimdamental parameter of material control in MOX fabrication facility. To understand the behavior of O/M ratio, therefore, is important for material accounting in MOX facility. Also, if a non-uniform distribution of O/M ratio exists within a container accommodating fkedpowderor interim product of in-process, sample taking procedure should be established in such away to obtain representative sample. Based on those consideration, the test was canied out in 1995 with PFPF. Gained experience with the improvement for material accounting system is discussed in this paper.