Authentication Method for Safeguards Instruments Securing Data Transmission

K.J. Gartner - International Atomic Energy Agency
B. Richter - Kernforschungsanlage Juelich
G. Stein - Kernforschungsanlage Juelich
G. Neumann - Geutebruck Videotechnik GmbH
Because of the worldwide increase in nuclear fuel cycle activities, the need arises to reduce inspection effort by increasing the inspection efficiency per facility. Therefore, more and more advanced safeguards instruments will be designed for automatic operation. In addition, sensoring and recording devices may be well separated from each other within the facility, while the data transmission medium is a cable. The basic problem is the authenticity of the transmitted information. It has to be ensured that no potential adversary is able to falsify the transmitted safeguards data, i.e. the data transmission is secured. At present, predominantly C/S-devices are designed for automatic and remote interrogation. Also in other areas of safeguards instrumentation authentication will become a major issue, in particular, where the facility operator may offer his process instrumentation to be used also for safeguards purposes. In the paper possibilities to solve the problem of authentication are analysed.