Prior to 1986 the Material Control and Accountability (MC&A) organization at the Savannah River Site (SRS) was centrally located in the administration area. Since most production facilities are located at least 7-15 miles from the administration area, there was very little interaction between MC&A and operations personnel. Oversight of site material control and accountability practices was limited to periodic audits conducted by an accountant assigned to the MC&A organization. These audits focused mainly on accountability practices. With increased emphasis placed on material control in recent years, it became imperative that the MC&A organization have representation in the production areas at SRS. Therefore, the position of MC&A area liaison was formed. The concept was to place technical personnel in the key production areas at SRS to assume MC&A auditing responsibilities in those areas, and more importantly, interact with area personnel to provide MC&A oversight and guidance on a day-to-day basis. Since implementation, this program has been very successful allowing the MC&A organization to provide a high degree of oversight and direction and to provide for consistent implementation of MC&A requirements.