The ASSESS Outsider Analysis Module

Alfred E. Winblad - Sandia National Laboratories
Mark Snell - Sandia National Laboratories
Sabina E. Jordan - Sandia National Laboratories
B. Key - Science & Engineering Associates, Inc.
Bryan Bingham - Science & Engineering Associates, Inc.
The Outsider Analysis (Outsider) module is part of the Analytic System and Software for Evaluating Safeguards and Security (ASSESS). Outsider and the ASSESS Facility Descriptor (Facility) module together supersede the Systematic Analysis of Vulnerability to Intrusion (SAVI) software package. Outsider calculates P(I), the probability that outsiders are interrupted during an attack by security forces at the facility, and P(W), the probability of security system win, and has other features not found in SAVI. Analysts can select intruders from a set of ten reference threats, ranging from well-equipped terrorists to intruders with no equipment at all. New analysis algorithms run 60 to more than 100 times faster. New reports detail how safeguards are defeated at each element in a path and give other data critical to effective upgrade decisions. Outsider takes as input a facility security system defined in Facility and produces intermediate results for the ASSESS Collusion module.