The ASSESS Facility Descriptor Module

Alfred E. Winblad - Sandia National Laboratories
Sabina E. Jordan - Sandia National Laboratories
B. Key - Science & Engineering Associates, Inc.
S. Walker - Science & Engineering Associates, Inc.
R. Saleh - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The Facility Descriptor (Facility) module is part of the Analytic System and Software for Evaluating Safeguards and Security (ASSESS). Facility is the software application in the ASSESS system for modeling a nuclear facility's safeguards and security system to determine its effectiveness against theft of special nuclear material. The Facility module provides the tools for an analyst to define a complete description of a facility's physical protection system that can then be used by other ASSESS software modules to determine vulnerability to a spectrum of insider and outsider threats. The analyst can enter a comprehensive description of the protection system layout, including all secured areas, target locations, and detailed safeguards specifications. An extensive safeguard component catalog provides the reference data for calculating delay and detection performance. Multiple target locations within the same physical area may be specified, and the facility may be defined for two different operational states, such as dayshift and nightshift.