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To ensure the highest quality of analytical measurements, the IAEA’s network of analytical
laboratories (NWAL) must manage robust internal quality assurance and control (QA/QC) plans. The
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) routinely distributes well-characterized quality control
(QC) samples to the NWAL and conducts Interlaboratory Comparison (ILC) studies to periodically
assess their analytical performance. Although certified reference materials are available for bulk
analytical techniques, the selection of available materials for the QA/QC of analytical methods for
particle analysis is limited. As the IAEA needs micrometer-sized nuclear materials (e.g., uranium
oxide) with well-characterized properties such as size, density, homogeneity, and elemental and
isotopic composition for its NWAL particle analysis laboratories’ QA/QC program, the Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), and
Forshungszentrumn Jülich are producing bespoke working reference materials which are useful for a
range of QA/QC measurements to meet this need. PNNL’s efforts are focused on hydrothermal
synthesis methods for producing particulate uranium oxides and, more recently, mixed actinide oxides
(i.e., U1-xThxO2). Herein, the details of PNNL’s particle synthesis control of particle morphology.