Application of the controllable unit Approach (CUA) to a LOW Enrichment uranium Fuel Facility

D.R. Rogers - Mound Laboratory
J.C. Miles - Mound Facility
K.W. Foster - Mound Facility
D.B. Armstrong - Mound Facility
The Controllable Unit Approach (CUA) has been tested in a high throughput, low enrichment uranium fuel fabrication facility. Plant-wide operating data were collected over a six-month period, and these data were collated and analyzed to determine the material loss detectability afforded by processgenerated measurements. This test reinforced the concept that process control/quality control (PC/QC) data can be used effectively for material loss detection. Preliminary material balance closures in the conversion and pelleting operations identified two types of errors in addition to measurement errors that contribute to overall variability of the measurement system. These are data errors and phasing errors.