An Advanced NDA Workstation for Integrated Safeguards

G. De Grandi - Commission of the European Communities
N. Coppo - Commission of the European Communities
U. Sironi - Silena spa
A. Stefanini - Cise spa
R. Giorgesi - Cise spa
In this paper we describe the design and development of an advanced NDA workstation, which fits into an integrated data evaluation scheme for safeguards. This kind of instrument must be sort of an intelligent assistant to the inspection procedure, be able to generate as correct as possible measurements, guide the inspector throughout the procedure, and report descriptive data to the data evaluation system. The problem of improving the quality of the measurement is tackled using a simple expert system, which should convey in the instrument some of the physicist knowledge. We describe the hardware and software resources which we included in our design to reach the intended goal. A prototype of the machine has been built, and a preliminary software for Plutonium Isotopic Composition is under development.