An Advanced C/S System for Fuel Cycle Facilities

T. Ohtani - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
Ouichi Mizuno - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
The IAEA have given a top priority to the R&D theme of \"Speed up Review of Video Tape\" in the \"Safeguards Needs List(APRIL, 1986) by WG-R&D Needs Under Support Programmes\". Because it always consumes work time for inspector to review conventional surveillance records (film or video tape). PNC is now developing Advanced Containment and Surveillance (C/S) system which enables quick reviewing and direct retrieval of surveillance image records. In recent years, a rapid progress has been made in the field of optical image processing technology. Combining this optical technology with appropriate trigger devices, all activities to be surveyed in a specified area (storage) can be recorded as a series of fine motion pictures. Electronic seal and y-ray detector have been developed as the trigger signal generators for personal entry and SNM passage. Inspector can review all operators' recorded activities in a short time through easy-operating man-machine system. Also, a direct retrieval system based on frame index contributes to save much time for reviewing. This advanced C/S system could be applied to storages of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. A Proto-type system has been introduced at the fuel assembly storage in the PNC MOX (Mixed Oxide) plant PPFF and a demonstration system will be introduced in the new MOX plant PFPF (Plutonium Fuel Production Facility).