Alfredo L. Biaggio - Brazilian Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material
Marco A. Marzo - Brazilian Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material
Olga Y. Mafra Guidicini - Brazilian Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material
H.L. Gonzales - Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material
The inspection system of the Brazilian- Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materialj ABACC is described. The main criteria and guidelines applit@ in the fkunework provided by the Safeguards Agreement in force, for the inspwtion planning and evaluation are presented. The description of the type and quantity of f%cilitks and nuclear material involved and all the steps followed by the planning, performing and evaluation of _tiOns are presented. The role of the !IISPXOIS as key control element is stressed, It includes the profile of the inspectors accmding to the specfic facility to be inspec@ their training in measurements and accountability, number and scope of inspections, activities in the fieklj technical resources available and details regarding pre- and post-inspedion activities mainly inspection reports.