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Recent measurements with coded-aperture imagers demonstrate material mass
determination in a holdup setting to an accuracy within a few percent. This capability is of particular interest to the Surplus Plutonium Disposition (SPD) project,
which aims to dilute and dispose of surplus plutonium oxide. Gamma-ray imagers
can be used to determine holdup without interrupting normal operations. In this
work, we examine techniques for 3D source localization and mass determination
using gamma-ray imagers. Coded-aperture imagers provide excellent source localization within the 2D image plane; however, multiple imagers operating in tandem are necessary to identify source location in 3D space. A Maximum Likelihood
Expectation-Maximization (MLEM) method for fitting detector mappings is a powerful tool for accomplishing this task. MLEM allows 3D source localization to be
simultaneously constrained using multiple gamma-ray imagers by constructing the
basis for the MLEM fit using detector mappings from different detector locations
stitched together. Each of these basis points represents a singular response from a
source in 3D space and is generated using Monte Carlo simulations of sources placed
individually at different locations throughout the imager’s field of view. Additionally, implementing knowledge of the physical equipment in the simulations of the
glovebox used for the SPD project incorporates attenuation effects that are needed
to calculate material holdup.