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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Shannon K. Kaster
Abstract:In order to manage and dispose of radioactively contaminated Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) properly, a federal facility placed on the…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):J.H. Mairs, R.R. Rawl
Abstract:In November 1993, the 18m Assembly of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a Code for the Safe Carriage of Irradiated…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Y. Orechwa, R.G. Bucher, J. C. Beitel
Abstract:The operation of the Fuel Conditioning Facility (FCF) is based on the electrometallurgicai processing of spent metallic reactor fuel. The…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Sharon A. Snowden
Abstract:The surplus fissile materials control and disposition project will present new concerns for safeguarding the surplus special nuclear…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Linda A. Hairston
Abstract:Paper Not Submitted
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):M. P. Rodriguez
Abstract:Paper Not Submitted
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):J. A. Koski, S.D. Wix
Abstract:The pool fire thermal test described in Safety Series 6 published by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or Title 10, Code of…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Forest Courtney, Noah Kadner, Steve Kadner
Abstract:Multimedia is fast becoming the most efficient and effective training tool for a variety of purposes. Due to the availability of…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):P. J. Nigrey
Abstract:The purpose of hazardous and radioactive materials packaging is to enable these materials to be transported without posing a threat to the…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):H. Kowalewsky
Abstract:During II meetings between Sept. 1987 and Sept. 1992 the Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 12807 \"Leakage testing on packages for the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Greg Haschke, Ricky Stanfield
Abstract:Both security and weapon systems have used the wealth of information contained in acoustic sensor signals to reliably classify and identify…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):E. Pinton, B. Duret, F. Rancillac
Abstract:Uranium hexafluoride (UF6), the raw material from which the fuel for nuclear power stations is obtained, is stored in the solid state in…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):G H Bailey, G W Monks
Abstract:As part of the continuing review of its regulations for the transport of radioactive materials, the IAEA has established a Coordinated…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Stephen H. Holt
Abstract:As the missions within the nuclear weapons complex change, so do the accountability measurement needs. Non-Destructive Assay (NDA)…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Bruce Erkkila, Joe Claborn
Abstract:DOE Orders and draft orders for nuclear material control and accountability address a complete material control and accountability (MC&…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Robert L. Martinez, David R. Waymire, David A. Fuess, David W. Myers, Christopher I. Frerking
Abstract:The MIMS program is funded by the Department of Energy under the Office of Nonproliferation and National Security. The program objective is…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Barry Lynn Cole
Abstract:The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission requires licensees who process special nuclear material (SNM) of strategic significance to…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):J.H. Ganter, JD Smith
Abstract:Most radioactive or hazardous material routing problems depend on several important variables: transport distance, population exposure,…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):J. A. Mason, W. Hage
Abstract:The potential for improved measurement accuracy and the ability to gain sample matrix information as part of a waste assay are but two of…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):F.H. Timpert, E. Kausel, H.C. Flessner
Abstract:In this paper we present a new 20' box container, designed by the firm CORROBESCH for the transport of radioactive and other dangerous…