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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):C. R. Hatcher, Mark Soo Hoo, Michael Haase, Roger Showalter, K.R. Mikkelsen, Mac Forehand, Cynthia Heinberg, Oleg Saraev, Carrie Smarto
Abstract:During the January 1996 meeting of the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission, the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) was identified as one of the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Jack Blasy, A. Eras, Gennady Tsygankov, Kenneth E. Apt, Yuri Churikov, William Abramson, L. Neymotin, Dimitry Bukin, Edward Magda, Fred Shultz, Tom Slankas
Abstract:The All Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics (VNIITF) is one of the major sites in the nuclear weapons complex in…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Byron Gardner, Ernst Kornilovich
Abstract:The goal of this project is the rapid reduction of risk to truck transportation of SNM in Russia. Enhanced protection is being accomplished…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Michael O’Brien, Byron Gardner, Mac Forehand, David Caskey, H. Lambert, Andre Kryakov
Abstract:The United States and the Russian Federation entered into a cooperative agreement in 1994 that resulted in a nuclear weapons non-…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Wayne Ruhter, William M. Buckley, DeLynn Clark, Tzu-Fang Wang, S. Kreek, William Romine, Kenneth Raschke, Allen Friensehner
Abstract:The Lawrence Liver-more National Laboratory develops sophisticated gamma-ray analysis codes for the isotopic analysis of nuclear materials…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Lou Carrillo, N. Ensslin, V.G. Nikolaev, I. Prochine
Abstract:This paper reports on the cross-calibration of an Active Well Coincidence Counter for use in the Materials Protection, Control, and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Yuri I. Kharlanov, Lawernce Satkowiak, T. K. Li, Steven Schlegel, Larry Wangen, Alexander Gorbach, Michael Benson, Michael Bonner, Wayne Pickard
Abstract:The State Scientific Center-Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (SSC-RIAR) in Dimitrovgrad was selected as one of the Russian enterprises…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):R. E. Glass, S.M. Nunley, G. Chalfant
Abstract:The United States government agreed to provide the Russian Federation with containers to support the dismantlement ofRussian nuclear…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Leslie G. Fishbone, William M. Buckley, Victor L. Petrushev, J. H. Jarrett, Igor Goloskokov, Michael Bonner, R.E. Morgado, William J. Toth, R. Bruce Berry, A. Yarygin, R. Logsdon, R. Copp
Abstract:The Siberian Chemical Combine (SKhK) is the largest multi-function nuclear production center facility in the Russian nuclear complex. Until…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):B. Siskind, T. E. Sampson, J.E. Stewart, P. Singh, Brad Steele, John A. Blasy, Wayne Ruhter, V.M. Shmelev, L.E. Predika, Sergei Antipov, Rob York, Igor Bryagin, V. Sukhoruchkin, Eugeni Melkov, William Abramson
Abstract:Six US Department of Energy Laboratories are carrying out a program of cooperation with the Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute to…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Nancy Jo Nicholas, D.W MacArthur, Rena Whiteson, M. William Johnson
Abstract:This paper discusses the detailed requirements for an information barrier (IB) for use with verification systems that employ intrusive…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Norbert Ensslin, Phyllis Russo, H.Y. Huang, Douglas R. Mayo, A. Sharif Heger, Ron F. Grazioso
Abstract:Neutron-capture plastic fibers can be used as a nondestructive assay tool. The detectors consist of an active region assembled from ribbons…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Stephen Dupree, Y. Hashimoto, Anibal Bonino, Michael Ross, Richard Lucero
Abstract:Radiation detectors have been included in several remote monitoring field trial systems to date. The present study considers detectors at…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Ch. Fasten, J.-Y. RECULEAU, A.R. Webster
Abstract:To date the various modes of transport have used different structures in their codes for the transport of dangerous goods. Since the 1960's…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):S. Kadner, W. Doyle, M. White
Abstract:Aquila, a Canberra Company, is a significant ISO 9001-certified supplier of Safeguards products to the International Atomic Energy Agency (…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):K. Suyama, Y. Nakahara, T. Kaneko, H. Okuno
Abstract:For adopting bumup credit in transport or storage of spent fuel(SF), development of a reliable bumup calculation code is crucial. For this…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):R. Lenarduzzi, K.N. Castleberry, N. Whiting, Robert Martinez, Keith Tolk
Abstract:Under the voluntary offer safeguards agreement between the US and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Portsmouth Gaseous…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Nancy Jo Nicholas, John Puckett, Bryan L. Fearey, James W. Tape
Abstract:This paper reports on the most recent efforts of U.S. technical experts to explore verification by IAEA of unclassified attributes of…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):G.D. Morandin, T.P. Byrne
Abstract:A CANDU nuclear generating station is currently evaluating the transportation of irradiated spentfuel bundles, stored in Dry Storage…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Rod F. Gimpel, Nina Akgündüz, Dr. Donald Paine, John L. Roberts
Abstract:Vitrification of radioactive wastes products have proven to produce an extremely stable waste form. Vitrification involves the melting of…