NN-SITE: A Remote Monitoring Testbed Facility

John Puckett - Los Alamos National Laboratory
K. Ystesund - Sandia National Laboratories
Steven P. Kadner - Aquila Technologies Group Inc.
Elizabeth Turpen - Aquila Technologies Group Inc.
M. White - Aquila Technologies Group
DOE, Aquila Technologies, LANL, and SNL recently launched collaborative efforts to create a NonProliferation Networked Safeguards Instrument Testbed (NN-SITE, pronounced N-Site) facility. NN-SITE will focus on wide area, local area, and local operating level network connectivity including Internet access. This facility will provide thorough and cost-effective integration, testing, and development of information connectivity among diverse operating systems and network topologies prior to full-scale deployment. In concentrating on instrument inter-connectivity, tamper indication, and data collection and review, NN-SITE will facilitate efforts of equipment providers and system integrators in deploying systems that will meet nuclear non-proliferation and safeguards objectives.