Draft Fracture Mechanics Code Case for American Society of Mechanical Engineers NUPACK Rules

Paul McConnell - Sandia National Laboratories
Ken Sorenson - Sandia National Laboratories
Robert E. Nickell - Applied Science & Technology Poway, California
Toshiari Saegusa - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
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The containment boundaries of most spent-fuel casks certified for use in the United States by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are constructed with stainless steel, a material that is ductile in an engineering sense at all temperatures and for which, therefore, fracture mechanics principles are not relevant for the containment application. Ferritic materials may fail in a nonductile manner at sufficiently low temperatures, so fracture mechanics principles may be applied to preclude nonductile fracture. Because of the need to transport and store spent nuclear fuel safely in all types of climatic conditions, these vessels have regulatory lowest service temperatures that range down to -40°C (-40°F) for transport application. Such low service temperatures represent a severe challenge in terms of fracture toughness to many ferritic materials. Linear-elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics principles provide a methodology for evaluating ferritic materials under such conditions.