US./Russian Laboratory-to-Laboratory MPC&A Program at the VNIITF Institute, Chelyabinsk-70

Leslie G. Fishbone - Brookhaven National Laboratory
S.A. Wallace - Y-12
Mark Rowland - Livermore National Laboratory
Michael O’Brien - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
M. Ehinger - Oak Ridge National Lab
Tom James - Sandia National Laboratories
Tom James - Sandia National Laboratories
John A. Blasy - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Wayne Ruhter - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
James R. Griggs - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Vladimir Teryohin - VNIITF
Vladimir Teryohin - VNIITF
Gennady Tzygankov - VNIITF
Richard Wallace - LANL
Richard Wallace - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael Ehinger - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Leslie Fishbone - Brookhaven National Laboratory
James Griggs - Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Jack Blasy - Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Mark Rowland - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The All Russian Institute of Technical Physics (VNIITF) is one of the major sites in the nuclear weapons complex in Russia. The site contains a number of research facilities which use nuclear material as well as facilities active in disassembly and disposition of nuclear weapons. Chelyabinsk-70 (C-70) also has ties to the major nuclear materials production facilities in the Urals region of Russia. Under the U.S. /Russian Laboratory - to – Laboratory cooperative program, enhanced safeguards systems are being implemented, initially at a reactor test area that contains two pulse reactors and a nuclear material storage facility. C-70 is developing an extensive computerized system that integrates the physical security alarm station with elements of the nuclear material control system. Under the Lab-to-Lab program, the existing systems will be augmented with Russian and US technologies. The integrated MPC&A system for the test facilities will be demonstrated demonstrated to US and Russian audiences when completed and follow-on work at additional C-70 facilities will be identified. This paper will describe the ongoing activities and describe the cooperative effort between the Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Sandia, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, and Brookhaven US Department of Energy National Laboratories in support of VNIITT.