Nuclear iWPC&M at the Luch Facility

Bruce W. Moran - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
D.L. Lowe - Sandia National Laboratories
P.P. Mizin - FSUE SRI SIA “Luch”
Joeseph Curtiss - Brookhaven National Laboratoy
Kent Goodey - Pacific Northwest National Laboratoy
Bruce Moran - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Cornelius Turner - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Victor Chukov - Scientific Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association
The scientific Research Institute of the Scientific Industrial Association (SRI SIA) “Luch” processes and stores significant quantities of highly enriched uranium (HEU) on site. Processing and storage are accomplished in a number of older buildings. Extensive quality assurance and quality control take place, primarily by destructive analysis. Planned upgrades at Luch involve all aspects of material protection, control and accounting (MPC&A) for nuclear materials, with the added capability of non-destructive measurement of nuclear material in containers. Safeguards on the HEU that currently exist at Luch can be significantly enhanced by alterations to buildings to improve physical security, by improved access controls and alarm annunciation, and by implementing an MPC&A systems approach to provide improved and automated computer-interfaced measuring instruments, material accounting software, and records management programs. The process of enhancing MPC42A measures at Luch will be described in the balance of this report. Utilizing a systems approach to evaluating MPC&A programs assures that all elements that make up the MPC&A are evaluated and addressed in light of their contribution in supporting the overall program. The planned upgrades in nuclear MPC&A will reinforce safeguards over large quantities of HEU at Luch.