IAEA Safeguards Experience in the Last Ten Years (1982-1991)

A. Adamson - International Atomic Energy Agency
V. Bychkov - International Atomic Energy Agency
The period 1982-1991 represented ten years of steady growth and comparative stability of IAEA safeguards and in this period the objective of having the capability of achieving the timely detection of the diversion of 1 SQ of nuclear material from safeguarded facilities has remained unchanged. The paper reviews the general background to IAEA safeguards, including differences in the various types of agreements and the number of states and facilities where safeguards are applied. In the course of ten years the Safeguards Department has steadily increased its efficiency with proportionately better performance per quantity of inspection effort. Considerable progress was made in resolving safeguards implementation problems thus increasing the level of assurance provided. Particular advances are reported in the verification of spent fuel, the verification of inventory at large processing facilities and the verification of fresh fuel containing plutonium and in evaluation procedures.