1987 Target Values for Uncertainty Components in Fissile Isotope and Element Assay (Acheiveable Uncertainties in Destructive Assay of Nuclear Material)

E. Kuhn - International Atomic Energy Agency
Paul De Bievre - Commission of the European Communities
T. Gorgenyi - NUKEM Hanau, Fed.Rep.of Germany
S. Baumann - ALKEM, Hanau
S. Deron - International Atomic Energy Agency
P. De Regge - SCK/CEN, Mol (Belgium)
Michael K. Holland - E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
J. Dalton - British Nuclear Fuels Limited
A list of \"1987 Target Values\" for achievable uncertainty components in fissile isotope and element assay, has evolved from discussions within the ESARDA Working Group on Techniques and Standards for Destructive Analysis, the INMM Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Measurement Control Committee and the INMM Committee on Mass Spectrometry Measurement Control. It updates the list of \"1983 Target Values\" on the basis of the experience gathered in using the concept. As the previous list, the list of 1987 Target Values, given in this paper, does not represent the ultimately achievable performance of a measurement method which would be obtained under exceptional or ideal laboratory conditions. The 1987 Target Values should be achievable under the conditions normally encountered in typical industrial laboratories or during Safeguards inspections. They are not intended to picture a \"State-of-the-Art\" but rather the \"State-of-the- Practice.\" They reflect, however, reasonably well the progress observed during the last years in the routine performance of accountability and verification measurements, so that the \"1987 Target Values\" should still be a motivating reference for effective fissile material control, inventory and safeguards. The entire text of this paper is included in Volume XV, Number 4 (July, 1987) of JNMM, Journal of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management.