New Innovative Packaging

Mike Sanchez - PacTec, Inc
Mike Nichols - PacTec, EPS Ltd.
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7A Type A / IP-3 flexible packagingPacTec has designed, tested, and manufactured a flexible packaging certified as IP-3 / 7A Type A packaging. This packaging is approved for D and D construction debris, soils, DAW, filtration media etc. The packaging is approved as large as 242 ft3 with 5:1 lifting capacity of 22,000 lb. <u>Macroencapsulation of LLMW using flexible packagingMacroBag; The MacroBag has been designed to meet the treatment standards of the Environmental Protection Agency for Macroencapsulation of hazardous waste debris by encapsulating radioactive hazardous waste in a user-friendly flexible package utilizing a gas tight zipper and several layers of polymeric materials. The MacroBag has provided the Department of Energy over $30 million dollars in cost savings. It is approved at the National Nuclear Security Site and other radioactive landfills. The process works by simply loading a metal box or drum into the MacroBag and closing three zippers <u>Flexible Packaging for ILWA high-profile problem area at the Sellafield complex was the difficulty, timescales, and costs associated with the removal of Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) from legacy storage ponds which was delaying the reduction of the associated high risk and hazards and becoming increasingly untenable. PacTec worked collaboratively with the Sellafield project teams and developed several innovative solutions to provide primary flexible packaging suitable for ILW that has resulted in the acceleration of the reduction and removal of the associated high risks and hazards and significantly reduced costs and programme schedules.