While SSR-6 covers what must be done to ensure the safety of spent fuel during transport, it does not explain how compliance can be demonstrated.

Ceinion Thomas - International Nuclear Services
Vijay Bhatti - International Nuclear Services
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The purpose of this abstract is that INS belief that there is value to be gained in the sharing of experience and lessons learned in the demonstration of compliance of SSR-6, and the management of challenges relating to transportation within countries and across country borders. It will highlight all the Stakeholders, both national and international, that need to be considered when planning a shipment. It will clearly define the Transport of Nuclear Cargoes process that INS follows, highlighting the key aspects including: Transport Request Form, Transport Document File, Carrier Obligations. It will describe the INS Nuclear Transport Safety Committee (NTSC) and its primary function to consider transport related ‘Nuclear and Radiological Safety’ aspects to support the needs of the INS business. This includes the pre-shipment peer review, and its role in identifying any gaps of nuclear and radiological safety within the transport process. The INS Learning from Experience (LFE) process will be discussed and any relevant experience gained from actual shipments. The importance of the ‘Rules of the Game’ will present the requirement for Communications Agreements that need to be in place, as all transports of nuclear materials take place in the public domain and require the Stakeholder acceptance.