Testing of the Authenticatable Container Tracking System (ACTS)

Charles Britton - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Chris Pickett - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
James Younkin - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Shane Frank - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Scott Stewart - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dan Floyd - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Andrzej Nycz - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Richard Willems - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jim Shuler - U.S. Department of Energy
Yung Liu - Argonne National Laboratory
Brian Craig - Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL 60439, USA
Daniel Krementz - Savannah River National Laboratory Aiken, SC, USA
Ethan Farquhar - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States of America
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The Authenticatable Container Tracking System (ACTS) is being designed to provide a secure container tag that can be used to optimize chain-of-custody monitoring for packaged nuclear materials as they are being stored, processed, and transported. ACTS is an active device that uses a universal core platform that can be appropriately configured to provide the necessary data acquisition, data logging, and communications functions needed for 21st century material accountancy, monitoring, and tracking applications. The core design supports active monitoring of containment, movement, and location and provides secure data transmission via selectable communication methods such as Iridium and GSM cellphone that can be used throughout the world. This core architecture enables appropriately designed modules to be easily interfaced to the basic system, thus providing an integration path for current and new technologies. ACTS contains a built-in set of sensors but also supports an expansion bus for up to six additional communications, tracking, or sensing modules that may enhance monitoring and tracking of particular containers for specific applications. ACTS stores events in memory, communicates activity to Argonne National Laboratory’s ARG-US TransPort tracking and information server, and provides options for data encryption and authentication. We are currently beginning a testing phase that will field five devices outdoors to allow evaluation of the functionality of the systems, system reliability, and the robustness of the devices while in outdoor conditions. Partners for this system are Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Savannah River National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and commercialization partner The Aquila Group.