Clearance and Recycling of an INF-3 Ship

Jenny Holmström - Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB)
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Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB) has recently completed the clearance and recycling of MV Sigyn, an INF-3 ship. MV Sigyn had successfully been used in the Swedish system for transports for 30 years before being replaced by the new build ship MV Sigrid in 2013.Both the clearance and the recycling of MV Sigyn were carried out in Sweden, a country with high standards in respect to Radiation Protection, Environment, Health and Safety. The clearance and recycling of the ship were planned and executed in several steps in close cooperation with Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.The clearance process for the MV Sigyn was planned to fulfil both the requirement of The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s regulations and the Swedish Nuclear Industry’s praxis regarding clearance of buildings and materials. The clearance process was done in several steps including a first initial screening done internal by personnel from SKB followed by a comprehensive measurements and documentation by special trained personnel.The initial plan of SKB was to recycle the ship abroad at a shipyard within EU with good reputation in recycling of ship. But due to several different circumstances the recycling finally was done at a shipyard in Sweden.This paper will outline the clearance process, the lesson-learned and how SKB have implemented them in the operation of MV Sigrid.