Performance Evaluation Tests for the Newly Developed Transportation and Storage Casks in Korea

Woo-Seok Choi - KAERI
Sanghoon Lee - Keimyung Univ.
Kyoung-sik Bang - KAERI
Sang-Soon Cho - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Ju-Chan Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Seung-hwan Yu - KAERI
Jongmin Lim - Korea aerospace Research Institute
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A spent-fuel storage and transport system are currently being developed in Korea. The spent fuels stored temporarily in wet storage at reactor sites are scheduled to be transported to interim storage in Korea in the near term. To prepare for spent-fuel transportation and storage, a dual-purpose cask and a concrete cask have been developed, and they are currently undergoing the license approval procedure. Spent-fuel transportation and storage systems should demonstrate their compliance to the safety requirements stipulated in regulations. Korean domestic regulation NSSC Notice No. 2014-50 for packaging and transportation of radioactive materials requires safety tests of transportation packages. The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been performing safety tests of a dual-purpose metal cask to obtain test data to show its compliance to safety requirements. To demonstrate the compliance to the safety requirements for storage, several performance evaluation tests and analyses were performed.