A High Capacity Storage Cask

A.H. Wells - Nuclear Assurance Corporation
J.M. Viebrock - Nuclear Assurance Corporation
A. Onodera - Hitachi Zosen Corporation
A. Nishikawa - Hitachi Zosen Corporation
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Nuclear Assurance Corporation has designed a high capacity storage cask, which was built by Hitachi Zosen of Japan and delivered to Virginia Power Company. The NAC S/T cask can store 28 canisters of consolidated fuel or 28 intact assemblies with burnup credit . The basic design was approved for storage of 26 intact assemblies by the U.S. NRC on March 29, 1988, and approval for storage of 28 consolidated fuel canisters is imminent . A Topical Report submittal for storage of 28 intact assemblies is scheduled for November, 1988 . The cask design permits considerable flexibility in that the same cask body can be used to store 26, 28 or 31 assemblies, or 28 canisters by changing the removable fuel basket. A drawing of the cask is shown in Figure 1.