Design Features of the MK A2 Flask

I.A. Wood - GEC Energy Systems
M. Blackbourn - GEC Energy Systems
D.K. Jones - CEGB (GD and CD)
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GEC Energy Systems Limited were commissioned by CEGB to undertake the design and development of a new AGR Irradiated Fuel Transport Flask. The new flask requirement arose from the enhanced fuel movements attributable to the increasing AGR contribution to the UK power base. Fourteen such reactors will be on-stream by the early 90's and spent fuel requires shipment to the BNFL Sellafield storage/reprocessing plant In setting the design specification for a MK A2 Transport Flask account was taken of the service life of the f1aslc fleet (30 plus years). The design brief enveloped all UK, CEGB and International Regulatory requirements with particular reference to fire and impact considerations. The design brief further placed space and weight constraints to ensure compatibility with the existing AGR stations and fuel handling facilities viz rail/road fleet, Pm facilities and Sellafield.