What Should Be Included in Operating Procedures for Packages*

M.C. Witte - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
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There is a wide variation in the operating procedures currently used for shipping radioactive material to and from various nuclear facilities. This paper gives guidelines which are based on the broad experience that exists in the shipping industry and are consistent with subpart G of 10 CFR 71, and is based on NUREG/CR-4775 (1988). This paper is a very condensed version of the NUREG/CR; the reader should obtain the original for complete information. Two separate documents related to package operations are usually prepared for shipping packages. The frrst is a section of the SAR, usually Section 7 .0, which provides information on package operations that is specific to the package. The second document is a detailed manual that is used by the package operators and handlers. It comprises all information included in the operating procedures in the SAR (in greater detail), plus all additional information necessary for package operations which is not package specific.