A Cask Maintenance Facility Feasibility Study

M.J. Rennich - Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
L.G. Medley - Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
C.R. Attaway - Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
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The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is supporting the USDOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) in developing a transportation system for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and defense high level waste (HL W) as a part of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS). In early 1988, a feasibility study was undertaken to design a stand-alone, \"green field\" facility for maintaining the FWMS casks. The feasibility study provided an initial layout facility design, an estimate of the construction cost, and an acquisition schedule for a Cask Maintenance Facility (CMF). The study also helped to define the interfaces between the transportation system and the waste generators, the repository, and a Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) facility. The data, desigr, and estimated costs resulting front the. dudy have been organized for use in the total transpono:.ion system decsion making process, Most importantly, the feasibility study ·also provides a foundation for continuing design and planning efforts.