Programme to Develop a Large Transport Container for Transportation of Large Pieces of Contaminated Equipment and Medium Level Waste

H. Libon - Transnubel, Belgium
Louis Tanguy - IPSN
J. Vivien - CEA-IRDI, Saclay, France
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The partial or complete dismantling of research and development laboratories, facilities for the production of isotopes, installations for the manufacture of fuel elements in reprocessing plants will be required after a few decades of operation . Some of the equipment i n these facili ties, such as glove boxes, venti - lation piping, filters are too large to be packed i n the presently available type A or B packages. Consequently, their transport is carried out in the frame of special l i cences delivered by the competent authorities on the basis of studies to be submitted and of special provisions with a view to ensure an equivalent safety .