A Container for Storage and Disposal of Low-Level Waste

R.L. Fish - Babcock & Wilcox
B.D. Butler - Babcock & Wilcox
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A unique concept for corrosion-resistant containers for storing and disposing of low-level radioactive, mixed and toxic wastes has been developed. The strength and low cost of carbon steel has been combined with the corrosion and abrasion resistance of a proprietary combination of polymers to provide an inexpensive alternative to currently available waste containers. The initial develf~ment effort has focused on a 55-gallon container, the B&W ECOSAFE-55 . However, Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) can develop a family of ECOSAFE waste containers using this technology to acconvnodate user-preferred configurations and volumes. The containers will be capable of accepting a wide range of low-level radioactive (LLRW) and industrial waste forms.