The Yellow Cake Accident at the Ezeiza 'Airport

J.A. Cañibano - Superintendencia de Bomberos, Policía Federal Argentina
C.E. Rodriguez - Superintendencia de Bomberos, Policía Federal Argentina
L.J. Puntarulo - Superintendencia de Bomberos, Policía Federal Argentina
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In January 12th, 1987, several drums containing yellow cake felt from about 6 meters during the loading operation of a Boeing 747 T-100 cargo aircraft. As a result of the accident, about 50 % of the 38 drums involved lost their lids and a fraction of the radioactive content was released on an area of about 200 m2. Small amounts of yellow cake were dispersed down wind until about 100 m from the accident place. The shipment was prepared for transport in standard 200 liters steel drums fullfilling the applicable Transport Regulations and the accident was the consecuence of an erroneous operation during the cargo associated with a mechanical failure of the cargo lift.