Current Status of Nuclear Materials Transportation in Japan

S. Aoki - Tokyo Institute of Technology
M. Tanabe - Science and Technology Agency
R. Tanino - Ministry of Transport
S. Fukuda - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
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Some 30 years have passed since the development and utilization of nuclear power began on a fullscale. During that time, the nuclear power generation of Japan bas achieved a rapid growth. As aresult, the frequency and quantity of nuclear fuel tl\"aDSpMS in Japan has showed a tremendousincrease.Also, a plan for constructing nuclear fuel cycle facilities, consisting of enrichment, reprocessing andradioactive waste sunge facilities is being implemented, and it is consequently expected that avariety of transport modes will also be developed.One of the basic principles relating to nuclear fuel transportation in Japan is to protect workers andthe public from the exposure as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) in order to assure safetranspM of nuclear fuel. Japan bas regulated package design and shipment based on this principleof safety.