UF6 Cylinder Overpack Phenolic Foam Drop Testing

W.D. Strunk - Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
C.R. Barlow - Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
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The types and quantities of materi als to be used in the fire resistant phenolic foam for UF-6 cylinder protective overpacks are given in USDOE Material and Equipment Specifi cation SP-9. Some of the specified materials and material grades used to make the foam have been unavailable or difficult to obtain since the late 1970's. Subsequently, overpack fabricators have found it necessary to substitute other materials or grades. With the requirements of SP-9 still applicable, it was necessary to determine if any property or quality of the phenolic foam was affected by the use of substituted materials in containers used to protect r adioactive substances.