The Thermal Conditions and the Strength of a Spent Fuel Package: Analysis and Test

E.D. Fedorovitch - Polzunov Scientific and Development Merger on Research and Designing the Power Equipment, Leningrad, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
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The paper describes the results of investigation aimed at finding thermal and struotural analysis methods a pplicable to transport and storage spent fuel packages. The expressions for heat transfer analysis of horizontal and vertical fuel assemblies under batural convection are derived trom test data of 15 electrically heated rod bundles. The information is given on a computer oode for analysis of a package fire-assosiated accident thermal condition and Subseguent oooling. The advantages of design-basis proof of a package comp-pliance with IAEA regulations have been discussed. The speoi- fio examples demonstrate that the developed thermal and structural analysis methods give the possibility to avoid full-soale package tests without reliability degradation.