The Transport of Reprocessed Uranium

Y. Kotani - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
T. Ohtake - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
M. Kubo - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
T. Kitamura - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
T. Mochiji - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
T. Shigeto - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
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The Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC) transports reprocessed uranium from the reprocessing plant to the refinement and conversion facility as a part of a reconversion testing program in an overall program of fuel cycle development. This report describes the methods employed in the transport of reprocessed uranium. The IAEA is now discussing internationally the definition of \"Uranium\",that is to say,including several different isotopes (U-232 and U-236 etc.) which are not present in natural uranium, and the categorization of the package. The reprocessed uranium is now often transported in different types of chemical forms as U03, UF, and U02. And it is found that the categories of the package become complex due to the respective different enrichment of the reprocessed uranium.