High Capacity Cask (TN28V) and International Transport System for the Return Shipment of Vitrified High Activity Wastes

G. Sert - Transnucléaire, France
B. Savomin - Transnucléaire, France
Y. Rouquette - COGEMA, France
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The reprocessing of spent fuel generates different kinds of wastes. Among them fission products and non fissile actinides represent 98 percent of the radioactivity; these wastes are separated, concentrated, mixed with molten glass and poured into stainless steel containers. For political reasons, it is necessary to return these vitrified high activity wastes to the foreign countries which have decided to have their spent fuel reprocessed in France. So the transport of vitrified waste is vital for both the reprocessor and the utilities that have trusted the reprocessor and this operation has to be securely performed to give satisfaction to all concerned parties. For that reason Cogema will control the whole transport activity from La Hague plants to the receiving facilities of the customers. Therefore Cogema will be responsible of the transport whatever the cask type (transport or storage) and will subcontract the transport operation to experienced companies such as Transnucleaire, PNTL or NTL, who will act on behalf of Cogema.