Optimization of Irradiated Fuel Transport and Handling Achieved by Training of Nuclear Power Station Operators

A.T. Gerard - Cogema, La Hague, Cherbourg, France
S. Lazarevitch - Cogema, La Hague, Cherbourg, France
A. Auchapt - Cogema, La Hague, Cherbourg, France
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On account of the risks relevant to irridiated fuel transport between the nuclear power station and the reprocessing plant, COGEMA and the French Electricity Board have always given their strictest attention to the irridiated fuel transport regulations. The regulations imposed by safety are guaranteed by the quality of the loading operations and the control of the convoys before their leaving. All these operations are described in long and precise operating modes. The operators know quite well where the fuels come from, their properties, their caracteristics, the equipments used for loading operations. That explains why they can easily respect the orders which are directly relevant to the handling of fuel assemblies.