Plutonium Transport by Air-The Role of Enhanced Severity Package Tests in Regulation

P.R. Appleton - UK Atomic Energy Authority
M.L. Brown - UK Atomic Energy Authority
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The UK legislation to ensure the safe transport of radioactive material s (ram) closely reflects the IAEA Transport Regulations (IAEA 1985), including the certification of packages essentially independent of transport mode. However, this has recently been called into question due to the proposed increase in frequency of flights of plutonium following the operation of the THORP (Thennal Oxide ReProcessing) Plant at Sellafield. A 1986 UK House of Conmons comnittee report questioned the safety of the air transport of radioactive materials, and plutonium in particular. The uncertain situation is exacerbated by the significant differences between the IAEA and USA NUREG Regulations (US Nuclear Regulatory Cornnission 1978) .