Simplified Analysis Computer Programs and Their Adequacy for Radioactive Materials Shipping Casks

T. Ikushima - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Suguru Hode - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
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In the drop impact analyses for r ad ioactive material shipping casks, it has become possible to perform them in detail using interaction evaluation computer programs, such as DYNA2D, DYNA3D, PISCES and HONDO. However, the considerable cost and calculation time are necessitated to perform such analysis by these computer programs. Therefore, simplified computer programs which are capable of reducing cost and calculation time are needed to perform parameteric survey or sensitivity evaluations in designing a shipping cask and conducting its safety analysis. To meet the above requirements, as shown in Fig. 1. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) is now under developing some simplified analysis computer programs and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, (MHI) has already developed them, respectively.